My Case Referencer

(Personal e-Diary)

The most common method for finding case laws on a subject/topic is to consult with “Digests”, “Commentaries” and “Case Reference” books on particular subject and though such types of books are available in the market but there are difficulties for getting desired case reference in time. In digital era, case reference on a particular subject (Subject Index), party name (Nominal Index) or citation, may be searched out with the help of various online databases. Even though, practicing lawyers felt necessity of personal case reference diary and most of them use to maintain the same. “My Case Referencer" a Personal e-Diary App has been designed and developed with an object to help those legal practitioners for creating, maintaining and accessing their personal Case Reference e-Diary through PC, Laptop, Tab or Mobile easily with simple steps at any time, anywhere in the world.


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* This app is FREE for Life time with limited features.